
We’re open for business

You’ve probably seen and read a few messages like this from other businesses over the last few days, but we just wanted to reassure you that we’re doing everything we can to take care of our people and our customers during this difficult time.  
We’re looking after our people, so they can look after you.
Two weeks ago we took decisive action to ensure everyone at La Quinta is as protected as possible, and that we could continue to operate over the next few months as we weather this crisis. 

We have already implemented a lot of additional precautions to ensure first rate hygiene is maintained for everyone across the business, with a particular focus on those of us working in contact with customers and who might come into contact with a bottle or package. These included regular hand washing, and sanitisation of work areas several times during each shift.

We’re also asking everyone to take extra precautions away from work and to distance themselves, as far as possible, from others. Anyone with a fever or cough will self-isolate for 14 days

In addition to that we’ve begun cross training everyone so that if and when people do need to self-isolate, there’s someone ready to take their place and keep the business going.

Finally, since the end of last week everyone who can (office staff) have been working from home to reduce the transmission risk for both themselves and those of us still in the restaurant.
We’re open for business until otherwise advised but also here to help if we can.

We’re in good shape, but we’re keenly aware that these are challenging times and not everybody is so lucky. If there’s anything we can do to help either you or someone you know then please email or call us – if you’re stuck at home and can’t get a delivery of something you need then we might be able help (unless it’s toilet roll). 

Until next time, stay safe.

Rupert & all at La Quinta